Batterton Chiropractic Clinic
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Houston TX 77008


Meet Our Team

Dr. Paula Batterton

Owner & Founding Chiropractor

Dr. Paula Batterton was born and raised in Houston, TX. She became a chiropractic patient at the age of 15, when she began suffering from migraine headaches. She quickly became a chiropractic advocate, due to the great results she encountered. Then in 1987, she was involved in a near fatal accident and was told she would never walk again. She returned to her chiropractor and began a course of chiropractic care that would restore her ability to walk and allow her to completely recover.

These life experiences were the building blocks that prepared her for her ultimate life’s purpose. That purpose was helping people reach their full God-given health potential. She completed her undergraduate studies in Biology, at the University of Texas in San Antonio. She then completed her doctorate studies at Texas Chiropractic College, where she graduated Valedictorian of her class. Dr. Batterton has practiced in the Heights for the past 29 years, where she is caring for the families in her community. In her free time, she loves the outdoors, running, reading, kayaking and fishing. She is an active member of Clay Road Baptist Church, where she teaches kinder-2nd grade Bible Study. She is also very involved in foreign missions.

Dr. Batterton’s passion is to educate and support as many families as possible, so they can reach their God-given potential through natural chiropractic care. She and her staff at Batterton Chiropractic are dedicated to educating more and more people on the principles of how the body functions. We believe everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential from the time they are born through their last breath of life. Having a healthy spine and nervous system is crucial to living your ideal life.

Dr. Batterton’s Reason for Passion of Chiropractic

Recently, a patient asked me why I am so passionate about Chiropractic. I thought about my response and decided to share it with all of you. I was a competitive gymnast for most of my childhood. When I was 15 years old, I began to suffer with migraine headaches. They progressed to the point that I spent days in a dark room, not able to tolerate sound or light. I went to several doctors whose “solution” was trying different drugs. These basically put me to sleep and left me feeling awful. After much coaxing from my Mom, I finally went to see her chiropractor. She examined and x-rayed me and found that I had misalignments (subluxations) in my neck that were causing the migraines. After a few adjustments, my headaches began to subside. I went through Crisis Care and the Critical Transition and continued to see her for Lifestyle Care throughout my high school years.

Fast forward to my freshman year of college… As I was leaving work and heading to softball practice, I was struck on the driver’s side of my vehicle by a truck, traveling 75 mph. I awoke in an ambulance and was taken to the hospital, where numerous tests and x-rays were performed. The results revealed I had 8 fractured ribs, my lungs had collapsed, my lower back was broken in 2 places, my pelvis broken in 3 places, my kidneys were bleeding and I had damage to the nerves in my leg. I remained in ICU for several weeks. Then the doctor gave my Dad and me the prognosis. I would never walk again without assistance. As you can imagine, for a 17 year old athlete, this was devastating news. My Dad reminded me that God is in control, and only He knows the final outcome.

I finished my freshman semester from a hospital bed, and then returned home for the summer in a wheelchair. I immediately went back to my chiropractor and we discussed my situation. She explained to me that nerves have the capability to regenerate and heal. However, to be able to do that, they cannot have interference and that is where Chiropractic comes in. I began to work with her again, and four months later I had progressed to walking with crutches. Within the year, I was able to walk on my own and begin exercising again. As you know, today I am walking without assistance and live a very active lifestyle. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without Chiropractic.

So, when you ask me why I am passionate about telling others… this is why. I would never want someone to suffer needlessly, when there is such an easy solution. I want to tell others that God has given them this ONE amazing body and it is perfect by design, but we must do our part to take care of it. Chiropractic allows us to do this, and to function at 100% of our body’s potential. If you have someone in your life that you feel could benefit from Chiropractic Care, please feel free to share my story… it just might change their life.

Dr. Kayla Watson

Associate Chiropractor

Dr. Kayla Watson was born and raised in Louisiana. She received her Bachelor’s in Biological science from Louisiana State University in 2018. Throughout her college career she spent her free time working at hospitals and clinics and found a sense of purpose helping people. She then attended and graduated from Texas Chiropractic College with honors. During chiropractic college, she was able to learn and excel in practice. Her passion for chiropractic came from wanting to find natural methods to heal the body and alleviate pain. This was due to watching her mom suffer from chronic severe pain. Drowning in medical debt and medication dependency, her mom decided to try chiropractic. Dr. Kayla watched first hand the positive affects of regular chiropractic care. Within the first few weeks of treatment her mom felt the best she had in years and is now able to manage her pain and optimize her health with routine chiropractic care.
Since becoming a chiropractor Dr. Kayla has dedicated herself to providing great care to patients that can not only help with pain and mobility but also help them lead healthier lives. Dr. Kayla has been living in Houston since 2019 and she is ready to serve the Houston community and its surrounding areas. In her free time she loves traveling, exploring Houston, and fitness.

Misty Eden

Insurance Specialist & Front Desk Receptionist

Misty Eden was born and raised in Houston, Tx. She has worked with patients since 1996; with her first position being a front desk receptionist. At this time she learned insurance verification, benefits, coding and billing. Misty is now a Nationally Registered Certified Coding Specialist.

Misty became a Chiropractic patient in 2018 when she was diagnosed with various cervical conditions such as degeneration and postural abnormalities. She joined our practice in 2021 and is dedicated to helping others. During Misty’s off time she enjoys traveling and spending time near the water with her family and friends.

Vianney "Vee" Sosa

Front Desk Receptionist

Vianney “Vee” Sosa was born and raised in Houston, TX. Vee has 2 years’ experience in customer service. Vee graduated in 2022 as a medical assistant. As her journey began, she became a certified Doula. Vee is dedicated to patient care and joined our practice in 2023. Chiropractic has been her number one practice to work in and she is ready to serve and help each patient in our community. Vee enjoys spending time with her family in her free time.

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